Tuesday, August 5, 2008

tofu florentine (and pretzels)

I don't know what my preoccupation with making a vegan tofu florentine/benedict is. Maybe it's because it was one of my favorite breakfast treats when I was growing up (that and french toast, but I've got that covered). I've been to a few restaurants that have really good vegan versions but I want to make my own! This one in particular is from Veganomicon. It was definitely good but I'm gonna keep trying. The cheesy sauce is really yummy but not quite hollandaise. 

To test out the new oven I made pretzels. They were a lot of fun, even with the two hours waiting for the yeast to rise. Going to make them a little bigger next time, as the fluffier ones were the best. They were so little and cute though. Oh and the leftover cheesy sauce from the tofu florentine was a delicious topping .

Also made brownies last night (yeah can you tell I'm ecstatic about the oven).  Good thing was they were fluffy and not oily, which is a problem I've run into with a lot of vegan brownie recipes. On the other hand, I would have liked them to be a bit more chocolately and cakey. 

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